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Sports Dentistry

Your active athlete can suffer an injury to the face or a concussion during any type of sport. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has estimated that out of all the sports injuries that affect children, at least 90% of them involve the top front teeth. It’s estimated that each year approximately five million teeth are knocked out due to sports injuries!


Teeth can be fractured, dislodged, or even impacted into the mouth. Unfortunately, many athletes do not wear mouth guards to protect their teeth during sports. Germantown Park Family Dentistry is a member of the Academy of Sports Dentistry and is committed to protecting your student athlete’s smile and brain. By taking an active part in the field of sports dentistry, we are reducing dental emergencies and concussion rates in our community as we cheer you on.

sports dentistry girl youth

Reduced Dental Injuries and Lacerations

By covering the teeth, a sports guard protects accidental dental fractures or losing teeth due to trauma to the face. Most lip lacerations occur due to impact with the biting edges of the teeth. If a guard is in place, it will prevent busted lips and the need for stitches in an emergency room. The American Dental Association estimates that 200,000 high school and collegiate football players avoid dental injuries each year thanks to using a sports guard during their activities.


Concussion Prevention

The design of some professionally-made mouth guards have been found to absorb up to 400% more energy than a guard that can be purchased over the counter. This prevents energy from being radiated through the jawbone and into the skull, which could cause a concussion. It’s best to prevent a concussion from ever happening by investing in a professionally-fitted mouth guard.


Professional Guards at Best

Custom-fitted guards are more comfortable to wear and will stay securely in place during any activity. Unlike bulky stock guards, a professional sports guard can be worn when talking or drinking water, making it easy to continue communicating with your team and coach. Most athletes take their guards out because they don’t fit well, but that’s not a problem with the guards from Germantown Park Family Dentistry. Your guard is customized for a perfect fit and can even be matched to your team’s colors or design.

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