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When teeth give out, break, or develop cavities, we’re there to help.

Whatever your teeth may bring you in life, you can rest
assured that the health of your smile is always our top priority. Our staff approaches restorative dental care with a cosmetic view, not only restoring your teeth, but bringing life and beauty back into your smile. We want you to feel confident in knowing that at Germantown Park Family Dentistry,  you’ll be getting only the very best care possible for all the smiles in your family.

Improving your oral health and how you smile.

Restorative Dentistry

Composite Fillings 

These tooth-colored fillings are free of metal and mercury. Each filling is carefully color matched to the shade of your enamel, allowing the final restoration to blend in with the entire tooth. Unlike traditional metal fillings, these fillings can be placed anywhere in the mouth, including the front teeth. They also require less tooth alteration, preserving more tooth structure than conventional amalgam fillings. 

When placing a composite filling, only the area directly affected by decay or damage needs to be removed. The composite material adheres directly to enamel, creating a tight bond that makes these fillings more like rebuilding a tooth than patching one.

Tooth-Colored Inlays/Onlays

When teeth give out, break, or develop cavities, we’re there to help. Whatever your teeth may bring you in life, you can rest assured that the health of your smile is always our top priority. Our staff approaches restorative dental care with a cosmetic view, not only restoring your teeth, but bringing life and beauty back into your smile. We want you to feel confident in knowing that at Germantown Park Family Dentistry, you’ll be getting only the very best care possible for all the smiles in your family.


Crowns are an excellent way to maintain the health of a tooth that has experienced significant damage, or has been treated with a root canal. They can also be placed on top of dental implants to replace a missing tooth. Every crown at Germantown Park Family Dentistry metal-free, which means there’s no troubling dark line along the gum line of your treated tooth. A crown fully encompasses all surfaces of the tooth, restoring normal function and preventing further damage to compromised tooth enamel. The porcelain makeup of our crowns means that we can color-match them to your other teeth, preventing them from standing out.

The treatment process: During the crown-prep appointment, the compromised enamel will be removed and the tooth will be re-shaped for optimum crown support. An impression of the tooth will be taken and sent to our dental lab, and the tooth will be covered with a temporary crown until the permanent one is ready for delivery. In one-to-two weeks, your permanent crown is ready to be cemented into place.


Dental bridges have long been one of the most reliable ways to replace one or two missing teeth. A bridge is a three- or four-tooth restoration that is suspended over the area of the missing tooth and supported by the adjacent healthy teeth. All of our bridges are completely metal-free, ceramic restorations. Since there is no metal base involved, the bridges are more aesthetic and there’s no concern over metal showing through over time.

The treatment process: The supporting anchor teeth on opposite sides of the missing tooth will be prepared the same way we prep teeth for crowns – reshaping them and taking an impression of the mouth. Our lab then custom-designs a bridge to our color specifications that will match the size and shape of other teeth in your mouth. Within two weeks, you will return for a short appointment where the bridge is permanently cemented into place.

Partials and Dentures

Removable dentures or partial dentures are a convenient, economical way to replace all or several missing teeth at one time. If needed, any severely unhealthy teeth will be removed prior to making your new prosthesis, so that these teeth can be replaced at the same time. We partner with a trusted lab to complete all of our denture fabrication, which creates high-quality dentures that are custom designed for your mouth.

Partials: We design our partials to be metal-free, acrylic prostheses that blend in with your healthy teeth without the need for metal clasps. They are held securely in place by your healthy teeth, making them less invasive to your smile.

Full Dentures: Our acrylic dentures are designed for a custom fit that stays in place comfortably, all day long. Dentures restore the function of your smile, improve nutrition, and maintain your facial profile.

Dental Implants

There’s never been a better way to replace missing teeth than with the modern dental implant. Implants can be used for single tooth replacement, multiple teeth, or even supporting a fixed, All-on-4™ full denture. Our dentists provide final restorations like crowns, bridges, or dentures for implant patients as well as implant restoration services.

Implants are unlike any other type of treatment. They involve the use of a biocompatible titanium root to replicate the function of a natural tooth. Learn more about how Germantown Park Family Dentistry can help restore your smile with dental implants.

Roots Canals

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If the nerve of a tooth has been traumatized or infected, then a root canal is the only way to preserve its health. Otherwise, the inside of the tooth can re-absorb bacteria and infections like abscesses will frequently recur. Our dentists provide some root canal (Endodontic) services here in our office, with more complex cases being referred to a specialist. Root canals are the last line of restorative treatment for preserving the integrity of a badly compromised tooth.

The treatment process: During a root canal, existing decay is removed from the tooth, as well as the infected nerve tissue inside the nerve chamber. The chamber is then cleaned, medicated, and sealed off to prevent recurrent infection. Teeth that have had root canal treatment will need to have a permanent crown placed over them as well, since enamel is more brittle in non-vital teeth.

Oral Surgery

Minor extractions due to emergencies, infections, or prosthetic treatments can be performed here in our office. During the extraction, your comfort is our first priority. From the actual procedure to your recovery, we’ll be by your side to make sure you’re pain-free. Before your extraction, we’ll also discuss tooth replacement options with you.

Composite Fillings
Tooth-Colored Inlays/Onlays
Partials and Dentures
Dental Implants
Root Canals
Oral Surgery
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